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At Freedom Family care, we help to reduce the total cost of your primary care services by providing you will ultimate access to your provider and to care. 


Our goal is to keep you healthy, help you to continue to work or go to school, and help you to save money on labs and generic medications!



Unlimited access (texting/phone/email) to your doctor, unrushed in a relaxed environment.


Discounted medical weight loss & Hormone Replacement Therapy. Lose the weight for less as a member!


Acute illness and basic office procedures, annual physical, sports & school physicals included. 


Home visits (for a small fee), nursing home visits, virtual visits


Discounted labs, skin biopsies, generic medications, flu/covid/strep testing 


Transparent, predictable & simple prices - no surprises. 



A 35 year old full time working mother of two is a member of Freedom Family Care, along with her children.


Mom pays a total of $100 per month for herself and her 2 kids.  Her 9 year old son is showing signs of illness and has a low grade fever.  It's 5pm on Friday and she quickly shoots her doctor a text telling him the symptoms.


Dr. Hanna responds quickly and asks her if she can bring her son to the clinic to be seen.  Mom brings son to the clinic, walks into the doors, is greeted and told to come to Dr. Hanna's office.  The child is examined, a strep test is completed due to the child's symptoms, and affordable generic medication is given to the mom to take home with the child. 


The child starts his meds and the entire process took about 1 hour from the time mom texted Dr. Hanna.  Her son was seen, diagnosed, and given appropriate treatment.  Mom saved a lot of time and energy and no one sat in a crowded waiting room with sick people or had to take off work the next day to bring him in after a long night.


Sound good to you? What about the cost? Mom did not pay anything additional to see Dr. Hanna. Mom did pay about $15 for the strep test and the child's medication. This is much less than her co-pay would have been with her high deductible major medical health insurance plan for a simple office visit.


So how can this actually work?  Dr. Hanna keeps a smaller patient load.  In many outpatient primary care clinics, a provider will have up to 2000 patients on their panel.  With the direct primary care model, we limit our provider patient panel to between 650-700 patients at any given time. 


Having limited patient numbers allows Dr. Hanna to spend more time with his patients and gives each patient more personalized care! 








AGES 19 - 49



AGES 50 - 64



AGES 65+

  • There is a $50 per person one time non-refundable enrollment fee. Maximum Family Enrollment fee is $200 when the entire family signs up at the same time for Direct Primary Care.

  • Family Maximum Monthly Membership Fee is $200 per month. (2 Parents)

  • Single Parent Family Maximum Monthly Membership Fee is $125 per month. (1 Parent). The single parent maximum enrollment fee for the family is $100 when the single parent and children sign up at the same time for Direct Primary Care.

  • The Monthly Birth to College age Membership of $25 is only valid when a parent, grandparent, or guardian also has a membership.


Please note regarding the enrollment fee:  This fee is non-refundable when enrolling for Direct Primary Care.  This fee allows us to secure your spot in the practice and also allows the staff to obtain your past medical records while completing the onboarding process.  We will contact you within 24-48 hours of your enrollment to schedule your first appointment.   We will also text you a Spruce Health invite to connect with us via texting and phone. Please contact us with any questions. Thank you.


Do I still need insurance?
We recommend that you do have insurance to comply with Federal Law.  Freedom Family Care, LLC does not replace insurance, and ideally we encourage our patients to carry a high deductible or major medical plan or a plan with a health savings account, thereby ensuring financial help should hospitalization or referral to a specialist be necessary. You should consult with your insurance provider to help you find a plan that works best with our medical model and that will meet your specific needs.


What if I want to continue my current insurance? Can I use it?
Health insurance will not pay for a DPC monthly membership fee, but Freedom Family Care will be able to order your labs, x-rays and medications at the facilities preferred by your insurance if you would like.


If I have Medicare, can I join as a patient?
Yes. However, your monthly membership fee cannot be submitted to Medicare for reimbursement. You must sign a waiver every two years that declares that neither you nor your doctor will directly bill Medicare for your membership fee.


Medicare and medicare supplemental insurance will still cover medical costs that you incur outside of Freedom Family Care. For example, prescriptions that you fill at an outside pharmacy, or labs run at an outside lab, or hospital charges, physical therapy, x-rays and scans are covered, just to name a few. You do not lose your Medicare coverage for other medical needs just because you are a patient of Freedom Family Care.


How can I save on insurance costs by being a patient at Freedom Family Care?
Many times patients purchase expensive “Cadillac” plans that require little or no co-pay and that cover all lab costs and prescription costs. However, with Freedom Family Care your monthly fee covers all office visits, in office basic labs and there are no copays. Our patients may find it worthwhile to change from a “Cadillac” health insurance plan to a basic health insurance plan to save money.


Are Freedom Family Care’s monthly fees eligible for HSA/FSA reimbursement?
We recommend discussing this with your financial advisor and CPA as this is a very complex and ever changing issue.


What about treatment for chronic pain or anxiety?

Chronic pain and anxiety are serious medical problems that require specialized training to properly dose, monitor and manage pain and/or anxiety treatment.


Also, government agencies are requiring more regulations for physicians who prescribe anxiety and/or pain medications. For these reasons, our family physicians DO NOT prescribe, or manage, long term pain or anxiety medications.  There are specialists in our community that manage these serious conditions.


 What if I'm hospitalized?

Our providers will help coordinate care in the hospital, but patients will be cared for by a hospitalist –doctors who only see patients in the hospital.  Dr.Hanna will resume care as the patient transitions out of the hospital.


Are my medical records ever shared with insurance carriers or government agencies?

No. Patient privacy is a natural benefit of this medical model. We will never provide any third party with a copy of your records, unless you specifically ask them to do so or if Freedom Family Care, LLC is subject to subpoena or search warrant.


What if I need medical attention while I'm away from home?

In the age of telemedicine, many conditions can be diagnosed and treated via a simple conversation by phone or webcam. If appropriate, we will locate the nearest pharmacy and order medication most suited for your circumstance. If you need to go to the hospital or seek other medical attention while away from home, we can advise you on that as well.


May I contact Freedom Family Care, LLC after hours? How?

Absolutely, yes! It’s how we do custom healthcare. After normal office hours our members can reach us  via the Spruce app. You will be given access to this app after you become a patient of Freedom Family Care, LLC.


When do I pay my fees for non-covered labs and prescriptions?

Lab and prescription charges may be paid for with cash or you may add them to the card on file to be paid the day you have the labs drawn or prescription filled. 


***Freedom Family Care, LLC encourages you to maintain a catastrophic or major medical plan in the event you need to be admitted to the hospital, have surgery, or see a specialist. Freedom Family Care is not health insurance. Direct Primary Care (DPC) is not medical insurance.



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